Nifty Knitting an Animal Beanie (Lv 1) [The Sims 4]

Honestly, I had to do some Googling to figure this one out. I’ve never knitted a beanie before. I have only made on hat using the traditional knitting method of in the round using double pointed needles and I hated it. I did not want to do that again. So to Google I turned andContinue reading “Nifty Knitting an Animal Beanie (Lv 1) [The Sims 4]”

Real Life Nifty Knitting [The Sims 4]

To begin at the beginning, I can knit. Have done so for quite a few years now, almost 20. While I have been capable of knitting for 20 years, I haven’t exercised that skill in quite a few years now. I’d now like to get back into it, and why not do it along withContinue reading “Real Life Nifty Knitting [The Sims 4]”