Dominique Locke’s Legacy || New Beginnings

Dominique loved her children endlessly. So much so, that during her time as Matriarch she never found true love, preferring to focus all her attention on her children. And it showed. She moved to Newcrest with the intention of building it up into a place where she and her kids could thrive. While she neverContinue reading “Dominique Locke’s Legacy || New Beginnings”

Too Many Tiny Trailers [The Sims 4]

Ever since I figured out how to build Campers/Tiny Homes in the Sims 4 I have been busy making so many of them! First of all let me share with you the video that helped me get started from Roxxxy Sims on YouTube. She does a great job of walking through the steps she usedContinue reading “Too Many Tiny Trailers [The Sims 4]”

Precious Locke’s Legacy || The End of an Era

Precious has retired from having babies from the challenge, on the day before her birthday, she finally accepted her long time lover’s offer to become a vampire. Once the change was complete Lonnie moved in and they immediately began planning their dream wedding day. The wedding (don’t have the wedding pack!) was in Willow CreekContinue reading “Precious Locke’s Legacy || The End of an Era”

Building a New Zodiac Legacy Home

Generation Four, Taurus of the Zodiac Legacy Challenge wants to be a Mansion Baron for his Aspiration. That’s a tall order for building in The Sims. There are four milestones to achieve, in order, all of them come with a price tag and a certain amount of decoration. Milestone I – Estate of the ArtContinue reading “Building a New Zodiac Legacy Home”

It’s Not James’ and Deligracy’s House, It’s Bowser’s House! [The Sims 4]

Some time ago two Sims 4 Youtubers moved house and made videos about it. If you’ve never played The Sims 4 before, or any Sims game ever, one of the things you can do is build houses and commercial lots. So of course this leads to massive amounts of house building in the Sims 4.Continue reading “It’s Not James’ and Deligracy’s House, It’s Bowser’s House! [The Sims 4]”

Building Apartment/Houses for FRIENDS [The Sims 4]

I like the TV series FRIENDS, and would watch it fairly regularly on television when it was running in the mid 1990s. My sister, however, is an entirely different human being who was born in the mid 1990s. Maybe that’s why she loves the show so much. Because of her love of the show manyContinue reading “Building Apartment/Houses for FRIENDS [The Sims 4]”

I’m Streaming on Twitch!

I started strreaming on Twitch this week! So far I’ve only streamed two things, the first “episodes” of which I will be linking below. A friend of mine that streams occasionally for Extra Life got me into it, and it’s been fun! Basically I just play as normal but now on Twitch when I play.Continue reading “I’m Streaming on Twitch!”