Pokemon Yellow|| Part 09 & 10 | SarahPlays

The end of the last episode / post left us off at the S.S. Anne. Thor (Pikachu) is level 23 with the moves Thundershock, Double Team, Slam, and Thunder Wave ; Catrina (Nidoqueen) is level 25 with the moves Growl, Body Slam, Scratch, and Double Kick; and Matilda (Abra) is level 15 with the moveContinue reading “Pokemon Yellow|| Part 09 & 10 | SarahPlays”

Pokemon Yellow | Part 06, 07, & 08| SarahPlays

Route 4 is short and one way only thanks to all the ledges. Soon we’re in Cerulean City, where there’s a bike shop! But the bikes are a million dollars…. so maybe not. Off to the PokeMart and then a random lady’s house fo a Bulbasaur! Yay! It’s also time for some housekeeping – droppingContinue reading “Pokemon Yellow | Part 06, 07, & 08| SarahPlays”

Pokemon Yellow | Part 04 & 05| SarahPlays

Route 3 is full of trainers so we’ll be working on leveling up Thor and Catrina. Thor gets some nice levels and Quick Attack! Catrina evolves into Nidorina and we make it through the trainers and arrive at PokeCenter… where there’s a man selling a magikarp. With that taken care of, it’s time to enterContinue reading “Pokemon Yellow | Part 04 & 05| SarahPlays”

Pokemon Yellow | Part 02 & 03| SarahPlays

So now we have pokeballs and can actually start catching pokemon! Yay! Well, an NPC gives us a lesson on how to do that and we’re off to the next area, where we do some pokemon catching. Scykoh catches a Nidoran Male and names it Curtis, I catch a Nidoran Female and name it Catrina.Continue reading “Pokemon Yellow | Part 02 & 03| SarahPlays”

Pokemon Yellow | Part 01 | SarahPlays

Quite some time ago, Nintendo released older versions of Pokemon games for download on the eshop. I must admit I was tempted with this release and picked up Pokemon: Yellow version almost immediately. But, I don’t have anyone to play video games with anymore. Most of my gamer friends are out of state, those whoContinue reading “Pokemon Yellow | Part 01 | SarahPlays”