The Sims 4 Zodiac Challenge: Introduction

We’ll start with what exactly the Zodiac Challenge is: it’s a challenge in the Sims 4 (updated from previous Sims games) based on the Legacy Challenges. What is a Legacy Challenge you ask? Legacy Challenges essentially challenge you to raise 10 generations of a Sims family. The Zodiac Challenge is a Legacy Challenge with moreContinue reading “The Sims 4 Zodiac Challenge: Introduction”

A Very Silly Introduction – West of Loathing

Okay, I’m going to be upfront here. I’ve played Kingdom of Loathing for what seems like forever, since my college days. So when the same people released a video game I simply *had* to. If you’re interested in what Kingdom of Loathing is like, I’ll have a post about around about here for that. BasicallyContinue reading “A Very Silly Introduction – West of Loathing”