A General Update Before I Go [FFXI]

I’ve been posting a lot about my adventures in Final Fantasy XI this month, a break from The Sims 4 if you will. The truth is that I’m still playing both, however I’ve gotten to a point in FFXI that the excitement has worn off, which means I’ll be more balanced with my posts andContinue reading “A General Update Before I Go [FFXI]”

The First Week Back to FFXI a Progress Update

I’ve been having fun back in the world of Vana d’iel, just casually crafting, fishing, and touring the world again. Here are just some of the adventures I’ve had lately! Fishing – Tenacity Quests [Leithe] There are a variety of quests under the Fishing – Tenacity section of Records of Eminence. The easiest and majorityContinue reading “The First Week Back to FFXI a Progress Update”

The Return of The Return to Final Fantasy XI

I recently (this morning of typing this post actually) had oral surgery. It wasn’t a major surgery or anything remotely close to life-saving, so suffice it to say I’m just chilling at home recovering, mildly sedated by prescription pain medications. So, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that it was a good time to comeContinue reading “The Return of The Return to Final Fantasy XI”

Why you’re now seeing “Buy Me a Coffee” buttons on my blog

I love blogging. I’ve been doing it for almost 20 years now (with varying results). However, (with the help of WordPress) I’ve consistently been blogging since 2015 (I did have a hiccup 2019-2020, but didn’t everyone hiccup then?). I’ve even branched out to other blogs, and now have been able to (mostly) keep up withContinue reading “Why you’re now seeing “Buy Me a Coffee” buttons on my blog”

Of Geomancers and Other Things [FFXI]

Since my last post not much memorable has happened. I’ve been leveling GEO a bit, and playing around in my mog garden. I have taken advantage of the new crystal storage system which I think is a nice touch by SE. It helped clear out some of Leithe’s delivery box which was nice. I’ve beenContinue reading “Of Geomancers and Other Things [FFXI]”

Mog House Updates

Hello again. I’m freshly returned from vacation to find Mog House updates! SE has decided to add second floors to Mog Houses complete with a second Mog Safe. So far Leithe, Dameme, Jinni, and Meinnii have taken advantage of this new expansion. Meryneith, Moonlignt, Seraneth, an Androgyne are missing some of the pre-requisites as ofContinue reading “Mog House Updates”