The 100 Baby Challenge: Welcome the Third Matriarch!

Carolyn has taken up the 100 Baby Challenge as the Third Matriarch after her mother, Dominique, passed away (don’t worry she’s still around to give unwanted advice). Carolyn is the child of Karim Ghomari, her mother’s last lover. She is a bro, paranoid, and neat. She is starting out with the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration andContinue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: Welcome the Third Matriarch!”

Dominique Locke’s Legacy || New Beginnings

Dominique loved her children endlessly. So much so, that during her time as Matriarch she never found true love, preferring to focus all her attention on her children. And it showed. She moved to Newcrest with the intention of building it up into a place where she and her kids could thrive. While she neverContinue reading “Dominique Locke’s Legacy || New Beginnings”

The 100 Baby Challenge: Children #66, #67, and #68

Dominique was able to have four more children before aging up into an elder. I’m only presenting you three of them because the fourth will be the next matriarch and have her own blog post to fully introduce her. Therefore, here are the last of Dominique’s children as you will find them on the galleryContinue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: Children #66, #67, and #68”

The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 58 to 65

Dominique has had some struggles in journey as she lived through the glitch where a Sims child would randomly be taken away, and once mistook a Baby Daddy for someone else, but she carried on and here we are with her last set of eight children that are on The Sims 4 Gallery! Check themContinue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 58 to 65”

The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 50 to 57

Dominique has come into her own with this group of children, and is raising quite the handsome group! Here are children #50 to #57 as they will appear on the gallery under my username @leithex. All of their traits and clothes are randomized. I picked aspirations based on their traits as best as I could.Continue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 50 to 57”

The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 42 to 49

As you can see, Dominique is enjoying her new “Maker” status and has been experimenting making new and fun objects. Her children are doing well, growing up, moving out, and moving on with their lives! I present the children in groups of eight because that’s how they appear on the gallery (@leithex if you’re curious).Continue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 42 to 49”

The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 34 to 41

Dominique learned much from her mother on how to be a good Matriarch to the next generation of 100 babies. But as her own person she had to go her own way and it took it to the streets with her selling table to meet eligible daddies. As a bonus it also was an easyContinue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 34 to 41”

The 100 Baby Challenge: A New Matriarch has Arrived!

In a previous post, I explained how Precious Locke has now retired from the 100 Baby Challenge. According the rules of the 100 Baby Challenge, when that time arrives the process for choosing the next matriarch is thus: the youngest daughter takes on the role of Matriarch. So allow me to introduce you to DominiqueContinue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: A New Matriarch has Arrived!”

Precious Locke’s Legacy || The End of an Era

Precious has retired from having babies from the challenge, on the day before her birthday, she finally accepted her long time lover’s offer to become a vampire. Once the change was complete Lonnie moved in and they immediately began planning their dream wedding day. The wedding (don’t have the wedding pack!) was in Willow CreekContinue reading “Precious Locke’s Legacy || The End of an Era”

The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 25 to 32

This is Precious’ last set of 8 children (households on the Sims 4 are limited to 8). There are on the gallery if you wish to play with them. My Origin ID is Leithex, feel free to follow me! Markus Locke is the child of Nikolas McGuire and Precious Locke. He is the twin ofContinue reading “The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 25 to 32”