Final Fantasy XI

Final Fantasy XI was first released in Japan in 2002, I was in college at the time so by the summer of 2003 I was playing fairly consistently. FFXI is now a fairly old and dated MMORPG by today’s standards, and even Square Enix’s standards as they have released FFXIV which is their next MMORPG.

Having played it now for nearly two decades (and with some of the same college friends) I have a lot of nostalgia for this game, and still play off and on. These are some of my (mis)adventures in Vana d’iel.

Character Progression

Leithe of Odin

Leithe is my main character for FFXI, the one I play with the most, and has the most achievements. She is my shining joy, and keeps getting better every time I login to play.

She has all job to 99, with almost full merits (I’m working on this!), nearly all crafts are capped (except fishing, working on this too), and three ultimate weapons. I love playing as Leithe, she’s just so wonderfully great ❤

Dameme of Odin

Probably my first second character, created a part of a Tarutaru static that is now defunct, she is a level 99 Ninja enjoying her time in Vana d’iel. Currently she’s working on her cooking skill and is almost to 100!

Jinni of Odin

I wouldn’t call Jinni a second character, but when I get bored she is fun to play with. No level 99s, no capped crafts, just really fun to mess around with when I want something different.

Meryneith of Odin

Seraneth of Odin

Moonlignt of Odin

I would call Moonlignt my official second character, as I’ve always yearned to be a Mithra (cat person). She has no level 99s or capped crafts, but that’s the fun of working on a second character!

Meinnii of Odin

Meinnii is on a second account, so she follows Leithe everywhere holding onto extra bits and pieces as needed. She’s a 99WHM working on some Bonecraft now and then, but mostly just makes sure that Leithe doesn’t die to random events.

Androgyne of Odin

Androgyne is on the second account with Meinnii, but apart from that you could call these three my mules: specializing in bazaars and auction house activities. They take care of all the extra junk by selling it the community at large.

Modifications & Custom Content

External Resources