Why you’re now seeing “Buy Me a Coffee” buttons on my blog

I love blogging. I’ve been doing it for almost 20 years now (with varying results). However, (with the help of WordPress) I’ve consistently been blogging since 2015 (I did have a hiccup 2019-2020, but didn’t everyone hiccup then?). I’ve even branched out to other blogs, and now have been able to (mostly) keep up withContinue reading “Why you’re now seeing “Buy Me a Coffee” buttons on my blog”

Meryneith’s Top 3 Goals (Update 01)

This is an update to a previous post. #1 Bastok Rank 3 + Mog Garden Access (DONE) Actually this is quite easy now with Trusts active. I’m not sure why I haven’t done this sooner. Meryneith has Mog Garden access, currently working through all the opening quests to activate all the things. #2 Sub JobContinue reading “Meryneith’s Top 3 Goals (Update 01)”

Leithe’s Top 3 Goals (Update 01)

This is an update to a previous post, and yes I’m doing this instead of putting away dishes (the dishes will keep). #1 Build an Apocalypse (Relic Scythe) Quite literally there is no progress to report. There is a Mog Garden campaign currently where you can receive ancient currency from the flotsam, but so farContinue reading “Leithe’s Top 3 Goals (Update 01)”

Looking for a Comfortable Place to Sit Pt 1

I really thought that I had already done this post, but apparently I just posted a blank post? WTF? Alright so here we go. There’s a command in FFXI called “/sitchair”, which does exactly what you think it does, your character sits down on a chair. There are a number of chairs to sit inContinue reading “Looking for a Comfortable Place to Sit Pt 1”

I Can’t Believe I’m Doing This

Actually, maybe I can believe I’m doing this. I’m going to reactivate the rest of my characters. Maybe not my second account just yet, but definitely the others on my main account: Jinni, Meryneith, Moonlight, and Seraneth. However! They are only going to be used as AH mules (and checking in with the Mystery BoxContinue reading “I Can’t Believe I’m Doing This”