Capping Leathercraft & Leveling RUN

As you can see from the title, I’ve been working on Leithe’s leatherworking skill lately and finally made it to the level 70 cap. That was quite a lot of behemoth leather that I made, but it was a profitable synth (if you don’t mind all the syntheses where I lost materials). Also, I’ve beenContinue reading “Capping Leathercraft & Leveling RUN”

Mog House Updates

Hello again. I’m freshly returned from vacation to find Mog House updates! SE has decided to add second floors to Mog Houses complete with a second Mog Safe. So far Leithe, Dameme, Jinni, and Meinnii have taken advantage of this new expansion. Meryneith, Moonlignt, Seraneth, an Androgyne are missing some of the pre-requisites as ofContinue reading “Mog House Updates”