An Unexpected Victory

I honestly did not expect to get this done today. I honestly thought I would have to wait until I had a free weekend. I honestly thought no one would respond. I’ve been stuck on the last BCNM of Rhapsodies of Vana d’iel for awhile now. I’ve attempt to solo it on a couple differentContinue reading “An Unexpected Victory”

Introduction: Who am I and just WTF am I doing?

My name is Sarah and I have no clue what I’ve gotten myself into. Hello and welcome! I’ve been playing Final Fantasy XI on and off since August 2004. As of this post that means I’ve been playing for about 15 years. I guess you could say I’m dedicated, loyal, and maybe a little bitContinue reading “Introduction: Who am I and just WTF am I doing?”

Notes on Recent Adventures

Geomancer I’ve been playing Geomancer a lot lately and leveled it up to ninety-nine following a guide I found on Allakhazam. I stayed a bit longer to get a few merits and one capacity point before calling it quits on leveling. Then I decided to go around collecting all the GEO spells from the GeomanticContinue reading “Notes on Recent Adventures”

Cooking & Updating Spell Lists

I still have inventory problems, but they are getting better(?). At any rate, I’ve spent part of the morning baking pumpkin pie on Dameme. I acquired one level of cooking skill. Maybe I can feel better about trying to make rolanberry pies now? Spent the rest of the morning updating my spell lists on variousContinue reading “Cooking & Updating Spell Lists”