Jumping Jinni Just Jives

This honestly started because of the fun I had finishing Jinni’s Summoner quest. So I thought that I’d go unlock the rest of her jobs – BLU, COR, PUP, GEO, and RUN. Well, this turned into something else in the process.

She has lots of things that need doing, and I didn’t realize how close I was to finishing most of them before I started, so I was soon distracted, killing two birds with one stone, and in general just multi-tasking the hell out of her missions and quests.

Job Related Quests

The first stop was supposed to be Bastok to make sure I had the PUP quest started (it turns out yes, but that’s not the story). I also decided I should dig out her gear since questing usually requires some sort of fight whether scheduled or aggroed or whatever. I noticed she was still missing her Artifact gear so I set about checking her quest lists for that, and then moved on to Records of Eminence quests because I was already in that menu.

I came across my Rhapsodies Missions, and noticed I was on At Heaven’s Door, the one where you fight the monster in Qufim. So I did that before ever leaving Jeuno, and eventually got to the mission that requires the next Nation Mission of fighting the Shadow Lord.

So after a quick stop in Bastok, I went to Windurst to start the next nation mission, and picked up a Coffer Key for Beadeaux since I hadn’t done AF hands yet either and had decided to start with that. I stopped and talked to the Suspicious Hume on my way through to Beaudeaux.

I walked right up to the Beaudeaux coffere with no problem, popped the gloves, ran back to Jeuno got the Key Item and then ran over to Castle Zvahl. I’ve battle Dark Spark it feels like at least a hundred times at this point, so that was super easy. What was fun was navigating up to the Throne Room without and in-game map.

Missions and More Missions

I did get there, popped my trusts, and immediately regretted not summoning a magic damage trust for the Shadow Lord’s magic immunity form. However, I did defeat him and headed back to Jeuno for AF gloves, then back to Windurst to finish my rank mission and get to Rank 6.

I then decided to work on finishing her Artifact Armor quests, which meant getting a new Tavnazian Bell from the Dark Stalkers in Eldieme, and fighting that evil AF NM again (it did not go well last time).

I did level up while fighting the Dark Stalkers which may have made the resulting fight slightly easier. The fight was in Fei Y’in and built a Trust party of Valernial, Tenzen, Shanttoto II, and Mayakov. Honestly I wasn’t sure on Mayakov, but I did win after a fashin. Valernial and Tenzen died and the other two and Jinni were not looking good when it finally went down.

I was so excited that I did not have to do this fight again! Back to San d’Oria to claim my prize and complete Jinni’s AF armor set.

Limit Breaks and Unlocking More Jobs (finally…)

At this point, Jinni is only missing the Aht Urghan Jobs and the ones from Adoulin. I went for the ones in Aht Urghan first, as I had already stopped in Bastok to make sure I had started the PUP quest. I’ve done this before, and so it was mostly a process of collecting the items and key items, and then a bit of exploration.

In the process Jinni acquired the Caedarva Mire Staging Point, a few new Survival Guides, and the Nashmau home point. Also very grateful for mounts as they made navigating through the Aht Urghan areas much safer and quicker (if you need a reminder, Imps are True Sight and Chigoes are just mean).

I then realized that Jinni had never been to Adoulin, so more quests to access more quests! Luckily it was pretty simple to run over to Crawler’s Nest and find the geo fount and get access. I did make the mistake of just running to the zone after the ensuing cutscene and well, I died.

Luckily I have a habit of always having reraise on so it was then a haphazard sprint into Adoulin. I did a few cutscene missions, activated some waypoints, and after a little more running around Jinni had access to all current job options.


But that’s not the end of this post.

By this point I had realized Jinni was of the appropriate level to go fight Maat for Shattering Stars. And I happened to have a WHM Testimony handy. AND since I had the #Rhapsody in Umber I could summon a few Alter Egos to help…

Yeah, it’s too easy now. Maat was toast.

Now it’s the end of the post. Happy Questing!

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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