Precious Locke’s Legacy || The End of an Era

L to R: Precious Locke, Lonnie Crowder

Precious has retired from having babies from the challenge, on the day before her birthday, she finally accepted her long time lover’s offer to become a vampire. Once the change was complete Lonnie moved in and they immediately began planning their dream wedding day.

The wedding (don’t have the wedding pack!) was in Willow Creek all their friends, Precious’ children, and former lovers were there. It was a beautiful day!

However…. tragedy was just around the corner as my game experienced a glitch and I had to force close my game…

What happened next was awful. Lonnie was crying and Precious was no where to be found. Upon further inspection I found that Lonnie was mourning the death of his spouse and I concluded that she stood out in the sun saying good bye to all her wedding guests. And she had a lot of wedding guests.

Precious, the newly turned vampire had burned in the bright sunshine of her wedding day.

For three days Lonnie cried and mourned his beloved.

Then something interesting happened. There was a new ghost in the neighborhood! It was Precious! And she remembered Lonnie! He gratefully took her back, happy just to be able to see her again. They lived together like this for a few days, until Lonnie decided that something needed to change. So one day, he too stepped out into the bright sunshine, becoming a ghost just like Precious.

At this point all of Precious’ children were grown, and a new matriarch had been chosen (coming soon!) so the two love birds eloped and moved to Forgotten Hollow to spend the rest of their…. days together.

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Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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