The First Week Back to FFXI a Progress Update

I’ve been having fun back in the world of Vana d’iel, just casually crafting, fishing, and touring the world again. Here are just some of the adventures I’ve had lately!

Fishing – Tenacity Quests [Leithe]

There are a variety of quests under the Fishing – Tenacity section of Records of Eminence. The easiest and majority of these quests ask you to fish in various areas. So that’s what Leithe and I worked on this past weekend.

I’d previously worked on the areas around the starting Nations, knocking out Ronfaure, Gustaberg, and Sarutabaruta pretty quickly and easily thanks to their locations. I also knocked out Zulkheim and the Selbina-Mhaura Ferry fairly quickly and easily (the ferry was fun!).

This weekend I went to Jugner Forest to get the Norvallen region finished, it rained and thundered the entire time which was honestly very soothing and a nice ASMR background to my casual gameplay.

I switched from fresh water fishing for carp to saltwater fishing for bluetails in Qufim Island. It was easy since Leithe currently has her homepoint in Jeuno and it seemed the next logical step. However, the fish just didn’t want to bite very much. I caught a bunch of junk before I actually pulled in a few fish. It just seemed to take forever.

I skilled up some and was able to rank up at the fishing guild so soon fish and skill ups were much better. Bolstered by this I decided to take my bluetail fishing to another area: Sauromugue Champaign.

Sauromogue went pretty quickly after my time in Qufim, so quickly in fact that I had time to move onto Rolanberry Fields for the Aragoneau portion of the Tenacity quests, again switching back to freshwater fishing.

At this point it might be a good idea to discuss what I’m doing with the fish I’m catching. Moat Carps are going to a secondary character’s quest for Lu Shang’s Fishing Rod. The rest of the carp is worthless so I sold it to a local NPC. Bluetails I shipped over to my cooking character – I haven’t decided whether to sell them or craft them at this time. The crayfish get turned into crayfish paste or fishing lures. I also had some cone calamary which I sent off for use in Alchemy skill ups. The few Dark Bass I pulled up are also useless and they went to the NPC as well.

The next day I went to Buburimu to fish in the Kolshushu region. With this switch I’m back to saltwater fishing for bluetails for awhile. The next area is Fauregandi, which equates to Beaucedine Glacier sea fishing. Same fish, different day, different location.

The next area on my list is Kuzotz, where I haven’t been to in ages and used to spend tons of time murdering the surrounding mobs for brilliant exps. This time I’m at the oasis to fish not fight. Also back to freshwater fishing. And well something else happened which I’ll explain a little bit further down this post.

Clothcraft and Chasing Sunshine [Jinni]

I’ve been burning through black chocobo feathers on Jinni working on her clothcraft levels. The cap for this recipe is 82 and as I’m currently typing she’s at 76. I’m taking a quick break hoping that fire weather will show up here in Buburimu, but I’m not entirely positive it’ll happen (note, the weather checker did give me a different report, and I thought that it might be possible despite some other sources saying that it wasn’t).

I’ve been checking the weather on various characters off and on, occasionally teleporting away to physically check other areas. Well, I was over with Leithe having a little snack while waiting at the Altepa telepoint, and well…. it got hot. Like really hot. Like there was a heatwave.

And just like that Jinni finished her quest to become a Summoner, met up with Carbuncle and was given more instructions before I was free to go along my merry way.

I know that was rather long, but that was the summary of my three day weekend. It was just after oral surgery so I took the time to take care of myself and not do anything too strenuous and fun.

Happy Gaming!

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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