The Return of The Return to Final Fantasy XI

I recently (this morning of typing this post actually) had oral surgery. It wasn’t a major surgery or anything remotely close to life-saving, so suffice it to say I’m just chilling at home recovering, mildly sedated by prescription pain medications.

So, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that it was a good time to come back to Final Fantasy XI again. For those of you who don’t know, this is a 20 year old MMORPG, that I’ve spent roughly ~15 years of life playing. I’ve got lots of nostalgia for it, and many quests, missions, and projects started and incomplete. A combination of these things keeps me coming back to it whenever I’m done deciding it’s a waste of my time and income.

To Windower, or not to Windower?

I started out my time in Vana d’iel with updated my Windower and familiarizing myself with the inputs, add ons, and plugins. Some of my favorites include: Time Stamp, Dress Up, Distance, and a new favorite is Mount Roulette.

Dress Up is the replacement for Plastic Surgeon, which essentially allows you to change the surface appearance of your character on your screen only. Basically I use this to sometimes change my Elvaans to Mithras. Just for fun and something different to look at from time to time.

Mount Roulette is new to me, and possibly new within the last year or two since mounts became available. Basically it calls a random mount that you’ve acquired, which I like so I just can have one without making that decision, mostly because the mounts don’t really do anything different other than look different.

Time Stamp and Distance are pretty self-explanatory but lovely little functional plug ins that just making playing a little easier and more fun for me.

Current Projects I’m Currently Playing

I started out by checking the current month’s Adventuring Campaign rewards and was pleasantly rewarded with a plethora of new mounts. I took the time to update my records of which character had which mount and procured all the new ones that were available to me: Dhalmel, Red Raptor, Iron Giant, Byakko, for some I needed Goobue and Golden Bomb.

Screenshot of Jinni’s Job Levels.

The next stop on the list was Jinni’s clothcraft skill as she was still in Al Zhabi buying up all the karakul thread. I bought the last batch from the guild and brought her back to Windurst to skill up and rank up to Artisan. I couldn’t remember which crafting guide I had been following, but I found that Black Chocobo Fletchings where in range, and cheaper to make than karakul wool, AND that Windurst was first in nation rankings I just ran with it. I’m currently level 70, with a level 72 recipe that has a level 82 limit. Not bad.

Screenshot of the cutscene where Leithe acquired her Apocalypse (Relic Scythe).

Last, but not least I checked on some of Leithe’s projects. She has three major ones that are currently in the works. I would call the main one upgrading her Apocalypse, she’s working through Trial 1854 which is rampaging through Lizards (somewhere in Adoulin I’m pretty sure).

I’m also in the process of building an Escutcheon for her woodworking skill, but it’s only in Phase One with a current task of crafting with light crystals. Luckily I spend some of her time repairing broken fishing rods for fun and profit.

Screenshot of Leithe reaching level 100 woodworking skill.

The other thing I did look into was working through the Records of Eminence quest for upgrading Lu Shang’s Fishing Rod and other fishing perks. I’m honestly not sure on this one, but it’s all recorded in my quest log so I don’t need to remember everything there just yet. I’m not really looking into this seriously yet, but it’s on my radar.

Playing the Auction House

Nearly half of my characters are dedicated to selling all my random junk on the Auction House, so I’ve spent a good deal of time checking the AH adjusting prices, and stalking FFXIAH in my off-time. I’ve sold all of two things so far…

But whatever, that’s a bonus to all the playing, having enough gil to do the things I like to do and want to do.

What to do???

Honestly, so far I’m happy to just sit and level Jinni’s clothcraft skill for now. I think that it might be beneficial to actually go fishing with Leithe if I’d like to continue to just chill for now. Fishing in FFXI is very chill, and since I have quests for direction it seems the next likely thing at least for a while. I’m also still attempting to keep checking the weather, as Jinni only needs a heat wave to finish the Summoner quest.

I’m also debating if any of this would be interesting to video for YouTube or this blog. But, I have a full hour of fishing before, so maybe this wouldn’t be a bad idea.

That’s probably it, as there are no more updates for now.


Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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