Lady of the Knits [The Sims 4]

I am not a Sim in The Sims 4, but I do play the game quite a bit. One of the hobbies I enjoy both in game and in real life is knitting (shocking I know!). I have played a Sim with the Lady of the Knits aspiration before, and though she hasn’t quite finished it (she’s still trying to find a Sim who wants to learn knitting, and hasn’t quite made enough Legendary Knittables, whatever those are) I think I’m ready to take on that Herculean task myself.

It will obviously take a considerable amount of time to complete, and I might have to make some adjustments (for the last time I am not a Sim!) to the milestones, but I think that I may be able to do it, maybe in one year or so. Maybe longer depending on life (we all know how the last couple of years and certain world events have changed the shape of lives forever).

But I do believe I am ready, so it’s always best to start at the beginning:

Level One: Humble Knitter

  • Knit for 5 Hours
  • Start 3 Knitting Projects While Inspired
  • Knit in a Rocking Chair

Knit for 5 Hours – Pretty sure this is the easiest step. I mean it took me 2 hours to knit an Animal Beanie, so it should only take me one or two more projects to have this one done. Again, easy.

Start 3 Knitting Projects While Inspired – It’s pretty easy to tell when your Sim is inspired, but it might be harder to discern whether or not you yourself is inspired. I was fairly excited to make that Animal Beanie, so I guess I’ll count that as 1/3 for now.

Knit in a Rocking Chair – Hoo Boy. Alright, I don’t have a rocking chair. But I do have a porch swing, a desk chair, a hide-a-bed, an adjustable bed, two swivel chairs, two camping chairs, my car, the breakroom at work, the park I live next to, the next park over, my mother’s house, my sister’s house, my brother’s house…

I’m taking this task in the broader sense as in: try out different places to knit and enjoy the environment. So what I’ll do is try out several of these knitting spots and see what happens. I’ll report back (maybe even with pictures?!).

I’m not going to delve into the rest of the aspiration yet, as I have a habit of getting ahead of myself, and then getting disappointed because I’m not where I want to be when I said I wanted to be there.


The rest of the aspiration contains three more levels, each progressing as you progress through your knitting journey. Learning more knitting techniques, getting more confident in your abilities, and trying new things.

Level Two: Thread Setter

  • Achieve Level 4 Knitting Skill
  • Knit While Listening to Music
  • Sell a Knitted Project on Plopsy

Level Three: Dream Weaver

  • Complete 10 Excellent Quality Knittables
  • Successfully Gift 3 Knittables
  • Achieve Level 6 Knitting Skill
  • Successfully Show Off Your Sweater to Another Sim

Level Four: Lady of the Knits

  • Achieve Level 10 Knitting Skill
  • Donate 5 Knitted Items to Charity
  • Complete 3 Legendary Knittables
  • Teach a Sim to Knit

My Nifty Knitting Sim in her Knitted Sweater

At the end of the aspiration your Sim receives the Sacred Knitting Knowledge reward trait. This gives your Sims a boost to teaching others, makes them immune to the Sweater Curse (and can cure others of the curse) and allows them to make unique knittables from other lands.

I like to think that at the end of my personal journey I’ll have some of the same abilities as my Sim will have once she’s finished her legendary knittables. Though I’ve never been cursed by sweaters and all my nieces would rather learn how to crochet…. oh well.


Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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