The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 25 to 32

Founder Sim – Precious Locke

This is Precious’ last set of 8 children (households on the Sims 4 are limited to 8). There are on the gallery if you wish to play with them. My Origin ID is Leithex, feel free to follow me!

L to R: Markus, Thaddeus, Jeff, Kristine, Noel, Shawn, Israel, Camryn
  1. Markus Locke is the child of Nikolas McGuire and Precious Locke. He is the twin of Thaddeus. He is a Geek, Cheerful, Good and wants to be an Athlete. He has the Bodybuilder Aspiration.
  2. Thaddeus Locke is the child of Nikolas McGuire and Precious Locke. He is the twin of Markus. He is a Recycle Disciple, Erratic, a Vegetarian, and wants to be a Teacher. He has the Academic Aspiration.
  3. Jeff Locke is the child of Hinata Imai and Precious Locke. Jeff’s twin is the new 100 Baby Matriarch and there will be more on her in a later post. He is Creative, a Loner, a Recycle Disciple, and wants to be a Civil Engineer. He has the Master Maker Aspiration.
  4. Kristine Locke is the child of Tylor Yanez and Precious Locke. She is the twin of Noel. She is Evil, Neat, a Goofball, and wants to be Politician. She has the Perfectly Pristine Aspiration.
  5. Noel Locke is the child of Tylor Yanez and Precious Locke. He is the twin of Kristine. He is Creative, a Genius, a Glutton, and wants to be a Scientist. He has the Nerd Brain.
  6. Israel Locke is the child of Shingo Harada and Precious Locke. He is the twin of Shawn. he is Creative, Evil, Erratic and wants to be a Freelance Writer. He has the Best-selling Author Aspiration.
  7. Shawn Locke is the child of Shingo Harada and Precious Locke. He is the twin of Israel. He is a Freegan, a Dog Lover, Cheerful, and wants to be an Interior Designer. He has the Neighborhood Confidante Aspiration.
  8. Camryn Locke is the child of Vladius Straud and Precious Locke. She is a Perfectionist, Loves the Outdoors, is Lactose Intolerant, and wants to be in the Culinary Career. She has the Master Mixologist Aspiration.

As mentioned above the New Matriarch will have her own introductory post. Her name is Dominique and she is Jeff Locke’s twin.

Precious Lock will also have one final post where I will tell you the story of her retirement, which, no joke, is a pretty wild ride! She will be on the gallery as well.

A new generation of Sims 4 100 Babies is about to begin! Stay Tuned!

More 100 Baby Posts:

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)