The 100 Baby Challenge: Children 1 to 8

Founder Matriarch Precious Locke

My approach to the 100 Babies is to randomize all their traits as they age up. I do believe this is part of the actual rules as well. When they get to be teens I attempt to pick aspirations that go with their traits (at least a little bit) I also try not to use too many of the same aspiration. As you’ll see below, quite a few of the babies had an animal trait randomize but I only picked one to be a “Friend of the Animals”.

As the babies age into Young Adults and move away from home, I select a job for them, again based on traits, and try to not use any career too many times. Again, as you can see, I did not duplicate jobs, and I think it works out fairly well for the Sims.

L to R: Sabrina, Fernando, Casey, Lesley, Elissa, Jayceon, Keenan, Bennett.
  1. Sabrina Locke is the child of Precious (Founder Sim) and Hudson Naranjo. She is Romantic, a Recycle Disciple, and a Genius. She is has an aspiration of Serial Romantic and works as a Style Influencer.
  2. Fernando Locke is the child of Precious and Brant Hecking. He is an Art Lover, Gloomy, and Mean. He has an aspiration of Painter Extraordinaire and works as a Painter.
  3. Casey Locke is the child of Precious and Caleb Vatore. He is a vampire with Bookworm, Perfectionist, and Cat Lover traits. He has a Friend of the Animals aspiration and works as a Tech Guru.
  4. Lesley Locke is the child of Precious and Ellis Cole. She is Evil, Jealous, and a Loner. She has the Public Enemy aspiration and works as a Criminal.
  5. Elissa Locke is the child of Precious and Johnny Zest. She is Cheerful, a Slob, and a Goofball. She has the Joke Star aspiration and works as an Entertainer.
  6. Jayceon Locke is the child of Precious and Kash Baird. He is is a Dog Lover, a Child of the Islands, and a Green Fiend. He has the Eco Innovator aspiration and works as a Civil Designer.
  7. Keenan Locke is the child of Precious and Alika Kahanahui. He is a Cat Lover, Animal Enthusiast, and Creative. He has the Bestselling Author aspiration and works as a Writer.
  8. Bennett Locke is the child of Precious and Travis Scott. He is a Dog Lover, Good, and Self-Assured. He has the Party Animal aspiration and works as a Freelance Electrified Artist.

I’m being very descriptive with the babies’ names and parents because as we continue to age and have babies the matriarch of the family will change. I will indicate which baby ends up being the next matriarch when that change happens. Usually, (I have a failed 100 Baby Challenge under my belt, and have watched a few on YouTube – Check this one out) my matriarchs can have roughly ~30 babies before a change needs to happen.

Thanks for Reading!

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)