The Zodiac Legacy Challenge: Generation Three- Aries

“As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, always being the first in everything – from work to social gatherings.”

You’re competitive and hard working, and can sometimes come across as a bit arrogant. However, you have a bit of an inferiority complex, so every time your sibling or a friend succeeds, you aren’t too happy about it and always try to one up them. But after a while, you realize that you acting this way is pushing away the people you care about. Can you salvage these relationships before it’s too late and the damage is done?

via ModtheSims

Generation Three Heir: Sandra Fontaine (Aries)

Generation Three Heir – Sandra Fontaine and her Spouse Loario Vain’upo
  • Spouse: Loario Vain’upo
  • Career: Secret Agent, Tech Guru
  • Traits: Hot-Headed, Ambitious, Perfectionist
  • Aspiration(s) Completed: Renaissance Sim+; Mansion Baron; Computer Whiz; Nerd Brain; Freelance Botanist;

Goals [+ completed, – not completed]

  • Be enemies with your sibling until you are both YA*-
  • Only have one friend until you are a YA, since they were the only one who stuck around*-
  • Repair your relationships as fast as possible*-
  • Reach level ten of the fitness skill+
  • Reach level ten of the Secret Agent career (any branch)+
  • Complete your aspiration+
  • Go for a jog for a total of three hours each week**+
  • Have one kid+

Children: 1

  • Camden Fontaine (Heir/Taurus)

*I really did not want to mess about with my Sim’s relationships, however I did not foster a friendship between my Sim’s siblings, and only as a young adult tried to gain any kind of friendship.

** My Sims live in Sulani on an ocean front property, so it made more sense to have her go swimming once a week rather than go jogging. I’m still counting this as completed.

Previously: Generation Two: Pisces

Subsequently: Generation Four: Taurus

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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