The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge: Introduction

The 100 Baby Challenge for The Sims 4 seems to be the original gameplay challenge for the game. Loads of people have attempted it on YouTube (DrGluon has done it at least 3 times now), and personally this is my second attempt at since I had to get a new PC after my laptop kicked it.

The rules are long and be kind of complicated around the details (see more here), but the basics are: You have a Sim, a matriarch, have 100 babies, with 100 different Sims. No cheats, no nannies, twins/triplets allowed, and if your matriarch dies before having 100 babies (which is likely), the youngest offspring capable of producing children inherits the duty.

With that out of the way…

Founder Sim: Precious Locke

Meet Precious Locke, my randomized Sim Matriarch. She’s going to start this challenge with a BANG!

Her traits are Active, Outgoing, and Ambitious. I don’t know what I was thinking when I picked those out as they have absolutely nothing to do with raising babies. However, it might make for rather challenging gameplay!

I’ve started her off in Oasis Springs for now, since I haven’t really played there, and it’s a base game world so plenty of Sims for partners to start off with. I’m also going to attempt to use DrGluon’s method for documenting the partners, which is having a wall of photos of all the Sims that have donated to the cause.

For now I’m also just going to use base game house, and modify it as I go along. I’ll probably change it up once the next matriarch comes along, but that’s a few days off yet. I’m going to set the lot traits up as Child’s Play, Good Schools, and On a Ley Line.

I may eventually start recording Precious’ adventures, but since I don’t have my PC set up to willing record gameplay at the moment, that is definitely something that will have stay in the future for now.

Until then, Dag Dag!

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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