Of Geomancers and Other Things [FFXI]

Since my last post not much memorable has happened. I’ve been leveling GEO a bit, and playing around in my mog garden.

I have taken advantage of the new crystal storage system which I think is a nice touch by SE. It helped clear out some of Leithe’s delivery box which was nice.

I’ve been collecting abjurations thanks to the new campaign that SE released.

Leithe @ Leafallia

Other Things

Honestly, I started this post AGES ago, and a lot has changed since then. For one, all of Leithe’s jobs are now 99. All of them. I’m also racking up merits like crazy, so most of them have the job merits maxed out or at the very least I’ve spent a few to activate some new abilities.

Leithe’s current project is taking her Apocalypse through the Magian Trials, and last I left her she was slaughtering crabs underneath Adoulin.

Jinni’s Been Busy

Other Other Things

I haven’t played Final Fantasy XI at all yet this year in 2022 (when did I start this post? 2019?), but I do plan on getting back to it at least for a month and getting myself caught up with what has been going on. Try to finish missions, or at least get back on my feet.

I’ve got some friends, who used to play, feeling like they might play again once they get a new PC set up (they were Xbox users), but with the pandemic and buying a new house they might be awhile yet – but I’m still super excited for it.

Meinnii Explores Adoulin

Twitch Streaming

I also stream on Twitch now, which I didn’t do when I previously played FFXI, so when I get back in game, I’ll try doing some of that while I figure myself out. Unfortunately, it might be a little boring for awhile.

Speaking of streaming, I’ve downloaded OBS and I’m going to give that a try instead of Twitch Studio for streaming to see if it’s better for my PC, since it runs a bit slow trying to record The Sims 4 builds and don’t get me started on trying to stream actual Sims 4 gameplay – it really doesn’t like that at all. So hopefully it will be an improvement.

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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