Pokemon Yellow | Part 06, 07, & 08| SarahPlays

Route 4 is short and one way only thanks to all the ledges. Soon we’re in Cerulean City, where there’s a bike shop! But the bikes are a million dollars…. so maybe not. Off to the PokeMart and then a random lady’s house fo a Bulbasaur! Yay!

It’s also time for some housekeeping – dropping pokemon off at the PC, depositing items we don’t need, and basic rearranging for maximum efficiency. Also make a stop at the PokeCenter before head off to our next rival battle.

After a decently challenging battle with our rival its off to Nugget Bridge for some more trainer battles and experience for our pokemon. At the end of the bridge we recieve our prize: a chicken nugget. We also end up fighting a Team Rocket Grunt, because (surprise!) Nugget Bridge is run by Team Rocket.

A short few steps from the end of the bridge is a trainer that wants to give up his Charmander(!) and the TM for Thunderwave. With that, we’re off to the next episode.

As we carry on walking we find more trainers to battle, and manage to tactfully trick one into moving away from the TM for Seismic Toss. Not too long after the last trainer we arrive at Bill’s house, and Bill has had an accident…

We help Bill out with his troubles and as our thank you we get a ticket to ride a fancy boat!

Back in Cerulean, the police are no longer guarding that one house, and it turns out that Team Rocket trashed it and stole the TM for Dig! Battle Time!

We check back with the home owner who isn’t interested it having his TM back, so we get to keep it. While we’re in the area, we catch a few more pokemon. Scykoh captures an Abra to use on his team and I do too. I name mine Matilda, same as Scykoh.

So the current team is:

  • Lv. 24 Catrina/Nidoqueen
  • Lv. 22 Thor/Pikachu
  • Lv. 7 Matilda/Abra

We end our travels at the Pokemon Daycare, leaving our newly caught Jigglypuff with him. This is where the episode ends, and I’ve finally caught my posts up with my gameplay, so in celebration, instead of 2 episodes, we’ll do 3!!!

Well, this episode starts off with a bang! Or a Teleport from Matilda back to Cerulean City. Whichever.

Anyway, we came back to Cerulean to challenge the gym leader, Misty, and boy howdy did she put up a fight for me. It took me three tries to beat her, and I swear it’s only because I got lucky on the third try. I was ready to pull another pokemon out of the PC to win, but Caterina and Thor both got enough experience to gain levels, as did Matilda the one time I had them out for a bit of swap training.

Route 6 was brutal for the both of us, but I only lost Thor to a bad bug battle and managed to not black out. Matilda did well, gaining level 15, and Catrina got some good experience too. Needless to say the first stop I made in Vermillion City was the PokeCenter before I talked to Office Jenny.

She told us about a naughty Squirtle that needed a good trainer. Maybe next time.

Vermillion City is where the S. S. Anne is docked, se we made our way there and boarded the boat for more adventures in the next episode! Stay tuned!

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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