Luck Be a Landlord // DF Made Me Buy It

I’ve been playing Luck Be a Landlord casually for the last year or so. I was originally introduced to it by DangerouslyFunny, a gamer I follow on YouTube. I watched a few of his videos, then a few from a couple other YouTube gamers and I was hooked.

It’s about 10$ on Steam; check it out here if you’re interested (I’m not affiliated).

What is this game even?!

It’s a randomized strategy game based on the idea that you’re playing a customizable slot machine to win money to pay your rent every month to your Landlord. Every round you’re able to add a new symbol to your slot machine and every month you can pick a new item to boost your symbols.

Sounds pretty easy right?

Well, no, not really. While you get to pick your symbols and items the ones you choose from are randomized from a pool of hundreds (it might not be hundreds, but when you’re hoping for a specific symbol it can certainly feel like it).

There are different floors that will up the difficulty if the default floor isn’t challenging enough. I find it challenging enough and like the casual play of floor one, but will occasionally play with other floors.

I recently played this game a bit on Twitch with varying results. All in all, I really do like this game, it’s a new favorite PC game. What have you been playing recently?

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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