I’m Streaming on Twitch!

I started strreaming on Twitch this week! So far I’ve only streamed two things, the first “episodes” of which I will be linking below.

A friend of mine that streams occasionally for Extra Life got me into it, and it’s been fun! Basically I just play as normal but now on Twitch when I play.

My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/ffxileithe

The Asylum Challenge in the Sims 4
Building in the Sims 4 with New to Me CC

Honestly it’s been a blast, I’ve met some new people online, have a video record of my Sims 4 gameplay (and other games in the future), have content for a previously very empty YouTube channel, and of course I had fun playing my game!

Here are a few more links if your interested in following my journey:

My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/leithex

My Tumblr: https://currentlyplayingffxi.tumblr.com/

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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