The Sims 4 Zodiac Challenge: Introduction

We’ll start with what exactly the Zodiac Challenge is: it’s a challenge in the Sims 4 (updated from previous Sims games) based on the Legacy Challenges. What is a Legacy Challenge you ask? Legacy Challenges essentially challenge you to raise 10 generations of a Sims family. The Zodiac Challenge is a Legacy Challenge with more rules.

I found the Zodiac Challenge through Vixella on YouTube, however her videos stop before she gets past generation one. If you’re interested here’s one of Vixella’s videos:

Her Sim is completely adorable and I’m a little sad that I’ll probably never find out what happened to her. After a bit of google searching I did find the rules to this challenge, courtesy of

Some of differences are that the Zodiac Challenge is a 12 generation legacy challenge, with the added bonus of zodiac stereotypes as your generation themes. Basic rules include no money cheats, no cheats that give you a big advantage, and CC is allowed. Basically the only way to fail is not complete the generation goals or failing to have heir. Pretty simple really.

Why are you doing this challenge now?

So I recently bought myself a new Sims 4 bundle, since I had a bit of leftover money this month. I bought a bundle of Island Living, Strangerville, and Nifty Knitting (I know it’s pretty random and controversial). I wanted a way to play through Island Living and some of my new in-game features and wanted a reason to try the Zodiac Challenge.

Will there be mermaids? Maybe? The Zodiac Challenge rules say nothing about mermaids, but if the opportunity arises naturally perhaps I’ll take advantage of it. Same with vampires, if the opportunity is there and it makes sense, I will.

I will also be adapting the rule to the packs that I own. For instance, the first generation uses City Living and Get Together, both of which I do not own and will be adjusting it to fit with what I do have. I will explain more about this in my next post where I will talk about my Aquarius founder.

Don’t forget to follow to find out what happens next!

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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