Leithe’s Top 3 Goals

So I told myself that if I started playing FFXI again that I would do so only if I worked towards some goals with my characters. I hate leaving things unfinished, so let’s finish some things. Seems fairly logical, right?

Well, the only problem with that is there are many more than just 3 things I want to do in FFXI, like tons more. FFXI is pretty broad in terms of what you can do with just a single character and I have 8. Yes. I am insane.

I decided to start with what I call my main character. The one I’ve played the most on, the one I made first, and the one that has the most achievements, so supposedly this is the one I have less things to do on. (Cue deceptive laughter.)

#1 Build an Apocalypse (Relic Scythe)

This is what I was doing when I left off last time I played. I had just finished building a Mjollnir (my first relic!) and had been putting ancient currency away to build an Apoc afterwards. Basically, I’m at the end stage of collecting enough whiteshells to make a stripeshell to finish that part of the quest line.

According to my last count I have 28 out of the necessary jadeshells to make a stripeshell. I have a long way to go, but Dynamis was my first endgame event and I still very much enjoy the crap out of it so I’ll probably be making relic weapons until I can no longer type.

#2 Lu Shang’s Fishing Rod (Quest)

This task is born out of the completionist in me. I have spent a lot of my time in FFXI completing quests, and for those of you in the know, this one is a beast. You are given the task of turning in 10.000 moat carp for the reward of one of the best fishing rods in the game.

It’s tedious.

Oh you can buy the moat carp and turn them in that way, but not everyone is made of money. So most people do a bit of fishing and a bit of buying to get all the fish needed for this quest. But! Oh yes there is a big but here….SE put in a daily fishing limit to stop bots from abusing the system. So you can’t spend all day fishing.

Again, I say, it’s tedious.

#3 Leveling Bonecraft to 70

It’s the last of crafting skills on Leithe to max out. Well, if you don’t count synergy or fishing, which I’m not. At least not right now. Thanks to a crafting update I can spam a recipe for much longer and still get skill ups. Which is great, and frustrating at the same time.

What I’m trying to say is my inventories are already filled up with beetle knives and scorpion rings and I need to make about 1000 more of them to get to my goals. Ugh. Anyone in need of beetle knives or scorpion rings? Anyone? Buehler?

I’m not ready to start looking into my other characters, but I’m already going to go ahead and say that at least one, if not many of them, will have the ongoing task of “sell stuff”.

Published by leithe

Lee is an American author from the middle of the Midwest They enjoy a multitude of hobbies which act as inspiration for their riding. These include, but aren't limited to: crocheting, knitting, loom knitting, embroidery, drawing, painting, wood burning, card games, board games, video games, and whatever else seems interesting at the time. They participate in NaNoWriMo whenever the chance arrives and time allows. (less)

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